Thursday, February 2, 2012

Angels and Demons pg 307 - 469

"Tell me... How can the church condemn that which makes logical sense to our minds! How 
can we decry that which is now the very foundation of our society! Each time the church raises 
 its voice in warning, you shout back, calling us ignorant. Paranoid. Controlling! And so your evil 
grows. Shrouded in a veil of self-righteous intellectualism. It spreads like a cancer. Sanctified by the 
 miracles of its own technology. Deifying itself! Until we no longer suspect you are anything but pure goodness. Science has come to save us from our sickness, hunger and pain! Behold science - the 
new God of endless miracles, omnipotent and benevolent! Ignore the weapons and the chaos. 
Forget the fractured loneliness and endless peril. Science is here!"

First of all, this is a very controversial topic which really gets me going and I am a Catholic too for any of you who were wondering. But here goes nothing....

I have to admit, I could hardly write that paragraph above without wanting to erase it. It makes the hair on my arms stand up. But I’ll be OK after I pick it apart. First of all, this book assumes that the Catholic Church is the only church. Christianity is not a denomination, but rather the body of Jesus Christ on earth. It spans denominations and is only recognized by the condition of the heart and the fruits in a person’s life. Not everyone claiming to be a Christian is actually a Christian. Yes, we have all done stupid things and the Catholic Church throughout history, especially, has been associated with atrocities (killing of Protestants, killing of Muslims and Jews, etc.)… but not all Christians agreed with the evils their church hierarchy committed – even back in those dark days. God sees into our hearts, and it is sad that the world can not distinguish between true Christianity and the fake kind which actually is self-serving and self-righteous. Anyone can take a good thing and make it bad - if we use it to serve our own purposes and thus begin to worship material possessions like money rather than God. Christians have a calling to live out our faith, and a lot of us lack in that area on different occasions (me included). We are called to be ambassadors of Christ, and we all should remember books like this one (and the sad theological suicide found within it’s pages) when we think of the seriousness of that charge.

Secondly, Science, as I stated above is not proving that faith is archaic and un-necessary. In fact, every shred of True Scientific evidence over time has proven the Bible to be true. I could write an entire book on this, but I don’t have to, because plenty of authors have beaten me to it. Science is actually a Tool that has done nothing but prove the Christian God’s account (through the Bible) is factual. Almost every branch of Science was founded by a Christian. You don’t have to leave your brain behind when you leap off the faith bridge. When you see the truth about what macro-evolutionists want you to believe up against the true evidence (not the propaganda and lies), you will see that it is more of a leap of faith to accept their dogma than it is to believe in a Creator. Christianity has nothing to fear from Science. It is rather far-fetched to believe someone would be so afraid of Science that they would embark on a formidable killing spree (as this book depicts). I am in no way trying to hurt or denounce Dan Brown as a person or writer, all I am saying is that I disagree with a lot of the Christian philosophies presented in this book. However, as unlikely a story this may be, Dan Brown does a phenomenal job of entertaining his audience through this Faith/Science conflict novel.

1 comment:

  1. Officially putting this book on my to-read list along with the DaVinci Code. I didn't really know how I would get through this author's style, since the only people I really ever saw reading the novels were middle aged, but now I'm ready to dive in.
