Sunday, February 19, 2012

Podcast Response: Notes on Middle School

Everybody always seems to have that same outlook on middle school - it definitely wasn't the best experience ever (one to forget actually). Whether its the overall uncertainty about a school dance - asking a girl to dance  (or getting asked by 5 different guys), deciding what to wear, trying not to get interrupted while slow dancing with the "special someone," getting asked out right as the dance begins while drinking a glass of root beer - or dealing with random problems like smelly kids, homework, and bullying over immature troubles. But either way, there appears to be a common consensus about middle school being an overall pain and a period of time to laugh upon but to forget and replace with high school.


  1. I like your response, I agree Middle School in general was a pain, even for you I bet :P. Anyway can't wait to read your full response!

  2. It's funny how all of us probably in different cliques in middle school have nearly the same memories when we think back to those days.

  3. I agree with you post, middle school sucked!

  4. I agree with out Bruce Willis said, all of us come from different cliques, but have the same outlook of Middle school, and now moved on to high school, which we will probally look back on the same way we look back at middle school.

  5. I totally agree that middle school is a period of time worth forgetting. I feel like every kid had the same awkward experiences.
